At a very early age, Julio was drawn to art. As a result, he declined an official appointment to study engineering and play football at the West Point Military Academy to pursue this passion.
Born in New York, raised in Detroit, and now based in Chicago, Julio has worked across virtually every art, design, and marketing discipline. He has led the creation of brand, digital, mobile, social, event, promotional, multicultural, and global campaigns for various blue-chip clients over the years, accumulating numerous awards and accolades along the way.
When not creating ads, Julio serves on the Board of Directors of Third Coast Percussion, a Grammy-winning ensemble based in Chicago. Additionally, he co-founded Tessera Editorial with his wife, an organization dedicated to the recruitment and training of BIPOC talent in publishing.
01 - I build computers for fun. 02 - Owned over 60 smartphones and currently use three. 03 - My dog is named Asher, after the New York Times best-selling author. 04 - Later became friends with Jay Asher, the New York Times best-selling author. Awkward. 05 - Got a kiss from the original Foxy Brown. 06 - I was the fastest high school hurdler in the Midwest for a day. 07 - I once was a bodyguard for Whitney Houston. 08 - I know basically four chords yet can play over 100 songs on my acoustic guitar. 09 - I directed an award-winning short film. 10 - I'm a compulsive doodler.